Friday, October 15, 2010

More Fat Burning Foods, Simple and Cheap

Want some simple and cheap foods for your pantry that will actually help your body burn fat? First you are asking if there is actually such things as fat burning foods.

Truth is not exactly. You do have to eat the foods and you have to eat them in as close to their natural state as possible. So if apples are on the list, you cant go out and eat a ton of apple strudel.

With that said, the video below will go over rather quickly, a few simple yet tasty foods that should be a part of every pantry. One food that is not mentioned in the video is tea. I will have a separate post about tea and its benefits in a few days. But know this, tea is an awesome fat burner.

A cup of green or black tea with a little honey is loaded with anti oxidants and flavonoids and other beneficial natural chemicals your body will use to increase its metabolism and help you burn tons and tons of fat.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Power Eating for Six Pack Abs.

What does it really take to get six pack abs? It takes eating, of course. It takes eating the right stuff, of course. It takes eating the right amount of the right stuff, of course.

But most of us don't want calorie counting diets or fads.. We want real food not ultra light fluffy rice puffs that leave us hungry five minutes after we eat it.

You can eat very well on the kind of diet mentioned in the video below. Not to mention you will probably save money at the grocery store by cutting out things that actually help to pack the fat around your stomach. There is nothing worse than trying to lose weight and lose fat and then find out you are eating the wrong foods.

Follow the food tips in the video below and it will help you burn fat, and expose that wonderful, sexy and lean six pack you have already.

You should also make sure you find the proper exercise program to help you shed the pounds and the fat. Yes you can drop fat without exercise but you can't build muscle and you can't build health with it. The Truth About Six Pack Abs is the top program in its class and for a good works. Check it out..

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

5 Fat Burning Foods that Lead to a Flat Tummy

Many people are surprised to learn that there are actually foods that they can eat that actually HELP the body burn fat. And burning the excess fat is what getting a flat, lean, sexy core is all about.

There are many more than these five foods that actually help your body fight fat as well as give you lots of other healthy benefits but the video below focuses on some of the best.

Next time you visit your grocer, make sure you add these foods to your cart. You will feel fuller longer, you will feel healthier (you will actually be healthier as well) and you will drop excess fat around your belly fast.

For the full program on getting rid of belly fat, then check out the program I fully recommend.

The Truth About Six Pack Abs is the best program of its kind out there. In fact many high paid trainers to the Stars use this very program. Check it out and let me know how it helps you.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

A Quick to Prepare and Tasty Breakfast for Six Pack Abs

You must eat in order to fuel your body for so many things. You need energy to work out. You need energy for you body to increase metabolism. You need energy to sleep properly. Yes you need energy for everything.

You only get energy by eating. And of course if you want six pack abs then you need to eat properly. The video below is not great in form, but it is dead on when it comes to function.

Yes, you can eat real food and still get and maintain six pack abs.

There is no substitute to a good nutrition program. In fact, even without work outs, you can still expose your six pack tummy. Remember, it isn't sit ups or crunches that give you those tight abs, it is the lack of fat covering your midsection.

You could diet only and in time, you could expose your tight abs. But the fastest way is to eat properly, exercise, get plenty of water and rest. For a complete system to get you your very own six pack abs in the shortest amount of time, Click Here! Its the top rates system for getting tight, sexy six pack abs.

Get your free information and free video introduction for your beautiful six pack abs.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Foods that Help You Burn Fat for Six Pack Abs

There are certain foods that actually help your body burn more fat than other foods. There are certain foods that allow you to feel full longer and get rid of those "snack attacks" that cause many people to blow their "diets". The video below is fast and informational. Just remember, even foods that are good for you can pack on the pounds if eaten in exess. Moderation is the key.

The interesting thing is, nutritional dense and fiber dense foods often allow you to eat more that you normally thought you could. This also helps keep you full and full of energy.

You will also notice that you can easily lose a pound or two per week just by eating these foods instead of high fat, highly processed foods. The trick, the more natural the food is, the better.

Don't forget to check out our other posts and for more information and a great program that works and helps you show off your 6 pack abs, visit our site. Get your flat six pack abs with less work than you thought possible. How to get your own six pack abs like a movie star.

You Can Have A Movie or Rock Star Stomach



There are lots of people out there telling you how to get a firm, flat, sexy midsection. But you work out, diet and follow all the gurus advise and you probably have spent a small fortune on those ab machines and fitness club memberships only to still have the same flabby, weak midsection you always had. The only thing that got slimmer after all the time and effort is your wallet.

Well now there is a way to get those firm, flat, sexy movie star abs without putting your wallet on a diet.

You will learn how to:

*Reduce your overall body fat

*Eliminate foods that keep you fat and that are DESIGNED to keep you fat

*Eat the healthy foods that fight fat and actually taste great and feel full

*Stop the worthless work outs and learn the movements that actually work

*The proper supplements you should take, and the supplements to avoid

Learn the secrets of the highly paid celebrity personal trainers use to get movie stars to look their best
Get the full story here
You won't need to buy another product or service because this program works for just about everyone who tries it. Keep reading to find out more.

Getting the Flat Belly is not a Mystery

It seems so easy for us to eat what we want when we want but yet so hard to remove what we have eaten. We dream of the flat tummy. Having a flat tummy allows us to wear just about anything we want from tight fitting clothing and dresses to that skimpy swimsuit for summer beaches and pools.

Did you know that you already have that flat, tight, sexy tummy? You do! Its just may be hidden under a layer or two of flabby, unflattering fat. You are probably tired of buying clothes that hide your body instead of showing it off. You have probably tried just about every diet pill and elixir on the market today and your light wallet is proof of it.

You feel insecure when going to the gym or health club because you see those who already have the body you want and that affects your work out because you just don't want to hang around because you feel like you are the only "fat kid" in the gym.

Losing body fat and most of all, belly fat, and getting that flat, sexy, hard movie star core is not really all that hard or mysterious. You don't need to do endless crunches or other abdominal exercises. In fact some core exercises could be contributing to your belly staying flabby and fat. Yes, there are some exercises that help keep you looking FAT! The best way to get a flat tummy is to do a combination of changes in a few areas of your life including your eating habits, your diet plan, doing the proper cardio exercises and doing the proper strength building exercises. This combo of changes will turn your body into a fat burning machine.

You will notice your entire body responding finally. You will notice in quick order fat melting off of your body and your most troubled spots, like our tummy, will begin to show off the muscle that is already there. You will notice your body getting stronger. You will notice your energy level going through the roof. You will notice how easy it is to out perform just about all of your friends. And you will find catching the eye of that hot guy or girl is much easier.

Oh, yea, you will notice you have become one of those people you used to admire and secretly wished you could look like. Well what are some of the things you have to do?

Lessen sugar in the diet. Too much sugar in the diet cannot only increase sugar in the blood, but it also bloats your stomach. As such, consuming cakes, pastries, chocolates, candy bars, etc., will never help you get a flat tummy, it can be otherwise. If you cannot eliminate sugar in the diet, at least, lessen it.
Get plenty of fiber. As much as possible, never remove fiber in the diet. Fiber prevents constipation (decreased defecation) that caused you to feel so bloated because the waste in your body is not yet eliminated. Fiber thus helps stool movement. Fiber rich foods include beans, berries, green leafy vegetables, and some fruits such as apple and apricot.

Drink water more often. Water contains zero calories. It keeps you hydrated and it doesn't allow stimulation of hunger. As such, with much water, you cannot eat more.
Eat right. Do not deprive yourself of eating provided that you eat just right, and do not exceed more than what's needed. Eat several small meals a day rather than wait for the 3 big meals. The more you eat in a day, the more the body burns that excess fat in your tummy. Have a low fat, low carbohydrates and high protein diet. Protein is not easily digested than carbohydrates. As such, when you eat more often protein rich foods, you feel full for long hours and you will not eat and eat heavy meals.

Get the full story here

Sounds pretty simple so far doesn't it. Well, it is simple. I didn't say it was EASY but it is simple. It will be hard at first training your mind to adopt this new attitude but keep in mind that the end result will come quickly and you will soon find that you wont even have to think about the above items or any of the other items, tricks and systems in the program listed below. They will come naturally to you just as your current habits come naturally to you now. The big, HUGE difference is that the new habits will be healthier and you will look like a movie star.

Many people find that by following the tips above remove pounds of fat off their frame and then decide to jump into a full program that just explodes their results. The key goal is to start TODAY to make the changes in your life, not tomorrow, not next week. Take action right now. Get up and do something about your body now. Get healthier. Get stronger. Look better. Even a slow change in your diet is better than doing nothing. Doing a little exercise the right way is better than doing what you are doing now and getting no results.

Get started now

You have to take action and you have to take action NOW. Don't delay take action now. Just think, in a few short weeks you could be on the way to having that body that you envy others having. How nice would it be if YOU were the person being eyed and envied? Imagine how your confidence would boom. Imagine shopping for those "skinny" model cloths. Imagine going out and being the talk of the room because you have the hottest body there. YES YOU!

Are you ready to get the body you want? Are you ready to finally get the body you DESERVE? The first step:

Click Here

You will have the body you want. It just starts with exercising your finger by clicking on the link above.